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Eco Friendly Tips To Renovate Your Kitchen

11 Eco-friendly Tips To Renovate Your Kitchen Sustainably

We must all make active and conscious efforts to preserve our environment and prevent it from further damage. Make better and cleaner choices so that our future generations do not suffer the consequences of our actions. While it may not always be the most convenient option, sustainable living is the smarter choice of living, we must all strive to achieve.

Eco-Friendly Tips to Renovate Your Kitchen Sustainably

Has the time come to renovate your kitchen? Have you been delaying changing those cabinets and bringing some changes to your kitchen layout? Why not choose eco-friendly options to refresh the look of your kitchen and make it look brand new? Using sustainable ways to change your kitchen makes you feel extra great about your choices, knowing that you made cleaner choices. Here are some great eco-friendly tips that you can incorporate to upgrade your kitchen sustainably:

1.Work with What You Have

While it is tempting to build luxurious kitchens that cost a large sum of money, it is important to always work out a budget that you can comfortably spend on renovating your kitchen. Wasting money unnecessarily on changes you don’t need to bring is not wise. If you don’t use your kitchen for cooking frequent and large meals, you do not need to waste space in building a large kitchen and spending too much on it. Save money and space and build a kitchen as big as your requirement.

Just because you are renovating the kitchen does not mean you have to bring in all new pieces and take out all the old ones. Try reusing old items to save money and get creative with budgeted ways to give them a new look by painting them or polishing them a different color. There are many great ideas on the internet for DIY projects on a budget. The more you save, the less you waste, and this is a great way to begin working on a sustainable project for your home.

2. Upgrade to an Induction Cooking Top

Now is a great time to start if you haven’t installed an induction cooking top in your home yet. While induction cooking tops are more expensive than gas ones, they are more energy-saving and cost-efficient in the long run. They work by electromagnetic energy that heats up a coil or heating element placed under a glass top that transmits energy to cookware placed on top and does all the cooking rather than placing it on a direct flame. Induction cooktops have the following advantages:

  • They heat up faster than traditional gas stoves
  • They have a precise temperature control feature
  • They cool off immediately upon switching off
  • They are easier to install and do not require a gas supply
  • They are energy saving
  • They are safer to use than gas stoves as they have a safety lock for children
  • They are easy to clean

Gas stoves require a gas line and have a longer heat-up and cook time. Therefore they are less efficient and more costly in the long term. It is much better to spend a little more on the induction cooking system for less wastage of energy and saving on utility costs.

3. Incorporate Large Windows and Skylights

Large windows in the kitchen can bring in natural light, eliminating the need for lighting during the day. This significantly saves energy costs and makes the kitchen look beautiful and bright. There is nothing like daylight to light up any room. If there isn’t enough space from windows or they aren’t bringing in sufficient light, then skylights can be incorporated to add more light to the kitchen. The more natural light there is, the less need for electrical lighting during the day.

4. Use Reclaimed Furniture

You can use recycled furniture, buy second-hand or used furniture, give it a new coat of paint, and add these pieces to your kitchen. Not only does it save time and money, but it also adds unique character to your space. You don’t need to spend on brand-new furniture when you can use recycled pieces to serve the same purpose and give an edgy look to your kitchen simultaneously.

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5. Pick Sustainable Flooring

Go with reclaimed flooring that is pre-seasoned and designed to last for years. Reclaimed flooring is stylish and environmentally friendly and is a great way to save money and go with an eco-friendly option. These include recycled tiles and reclaimed wood. Another tip is to use sustainable flooring such as sustainable cork and bamboo as well as Linoleum. All these are great options to use for flooring your kitchen without compromising on beauty. Changing the floors automatically gives a fresh new look to the kitchen, and when doing that, it is a good idea to go with the sustainable kind.

6. Try a Sustainable Coat of Paint

Choose paints that are free of VOC and harmful chemicals that release toxic fumes in the air as they dry. not only are they terribly harmful to you in the long term, but they also cause short-term discomforts such as itchy and burning eyes, respiratory problems, headaches, and nausea. There are many sustainable and eco-friendly paints available in the market nowadays. They are a little pricier than the traditional kind, but the benefits outweigh the extra cost.

7. Install Water Efficient Fixtures

Using water-efficient fixtures can reduce the wastage of water by a significant amount. Investing in low-flow faucets and sacrificing high-pressure water can save a ton of water every day. It might surprise you how much water you are conserving by switching to eco-friendly faucets and water fixtures in the house, as so much water would go to waste during routine use every day.

8. Choose Energy Efficient Lighting

Many energy-efficient lighting options are available in the market, with LEDs being the best ones. Not only do LEDs last much longer than traditional lighting bulbs, but they are also brighter and much more energy-conserving. You end up saving more money on your utility bills in the long run. While LEDs are a fantastic option to use in the kitchen, natural sunlight is the best and most sustainable method to illuminate your kitchen. Maximize the entry of daylight into your kitchen by cutting out large windows that go from the ceiling to the floor. Invest in tubular daylighting systems or skylights to bring as much natural light into your kitchen as possible. A bright kitchen filled with natural light looks bigger, more open, and cleaner, and more inviting and pleasant.

9. Find an Ecofriendly Contractor

If you don’t have the time to make sustainable renovations around your kitchen or are unsure where to begin, you can even contact a professional to help you with it. Some contractors that specifically take on eco-friendly projects h would be more than glad to renovate your kitchen.

10. Look for Space Efficiency

Study the layout of your kitchen carefully and make efficient use of space. Incorporate drawers instead of cabinets, as they take up less space. Look at corners and nooks in the kitchen space and find ways to make use of them. A kitchen is a functional room; therefore, look for ways to use space efficiently. The more you recycle, the less you waste, and the more you reduce your carbon footprint.

11. Do Not Forget to Recycle

While being conscious of the environment and renovating sustainably, do not forget to put in containers for recyclable waste material. Get into wasting less and try to recycle as much as possible. While you may think that your contribution is little, you must remember that every little bit matters. You may even inspire others to follow your example, which can lead to a domino effect. Renovating your kitchen with sustainable material does not mean it won’t look beautiful or new. That is not true at all. You are bringing in the same changes as you would normally but with better choices of material, less wastage, and avoiding damage to health and the environment.

The Final Word

Fortunately, more people are becoming more health conscious as well as environmentally aware. They are beginning to make better choices, but much more needs to be done on a larger scale if we want to bring real change. However, every little bit counts.

Do not forget to show off your sustainably renovated kitchen and talk about it with friends and family. This helps spread awareness, and you might even inspire them to make similar choices. You can be a trendsetter and bring positive change within your community!

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